Free Gantt App
Wanna a gantt chart editor for free? Download Mac or Centos
I assume you know what’s Gantt chart. jQueryGantt is an ancient pure front web app of Gantt chart that looks nice. It’s also free, simple and quite easy to use. It’ll be even nicer if it’s native app. At first, I thought I could make a native app out of this pure frontend web app using nativefier. However, it seems not to work as I expected. It still connects to localhost server and cannot save frontend layout page which, in my understanding, is not nativefied. Plus, save/load is not functional. Ok, there’s no magic for native and free app: we need to manually wrap it up into a fresh handmade Electron app with patience. Luckily Electron provides very smooth browser to desktop app (chrome based) migration. After moving jquery etc. modules in package.json
, everything almost works out of box. Nice!
Keep Fixing
Even though not much migration work, some parts of the software doesn’t work as advertised (buggy) e.g. adding new entry, endless recursion etc.. But since I have source code, I can just fix+use it and later distribute it using This distribution tool allow you to download and use for free !
For developers, just directly clone this repo and
npm start
your god mod.