Water Simulation

Zeng Dai

In this landslide simulation project, we need to simulate the water ripples when pebbles roll down to the river. Everything ought to be real time, and some parameters for the system could be changed on the fly. For water animation, I need to implement physically plausible water whose disturbing position should be controlled interactively. After consulting the vogue techniques in current industry Tessendorf et al. [1999]Johanson and LejdforsMitchell [2005]Hinsinger et al. [2002]Mittring [2007], I decided to use height map (2D grid) since 2D wave equation recursive algorithm basically would stably provide plausible shallow water ripples, while FFT was not on my list for its uncontrollable trait. The spray is simulated via particle system Jensen and Golias [2001]. To implement big breaking wave due to landslide, I chose to apply an old procedural way Jeschke et al. [2003] to achieve interactive rate for efficiency consideration. For water rendering, to simulate the dirty water in real Yangtze River, I used pre-computed Fresnel coefficient to implement it.

For some reason, I could just show the images of the wavy river. The program cannot work without Gamebryo Engine 2.5.


Figure 1: Water


Figure 2: Water2


   D. Hinsinger, F. Neyret, and M.P. Cani. Interactive animation of ocean waves. In Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation, pages 161–166. ACM, 2002. ISBN 1581135734.

   L.S. Jensen and R. Golias. Deep-water animation and rendering. In Game Developers Conference (Gamasutra), 2001.

   S. Jeschke, H. Birkholz, and H. Schmann. A procedural model for interactive animation of breaking ocean waves. In Computer Graphics Posters Proceedings. Citeseer, 2003.

   C. Johanson and C. Lejdfors. Real-time water rendering. Master of science thesis.

   J.L. Mitchell. Real-time synthesis and rendering of ocean water. In In ATI Research Technical Report. Marlboro. Citeseer, 2005.

   M Mittring. Finding next gen: Cryengine 2. page 121. ACM, 2007.

   J. Tessendorf et al. Simulating ocean water. SIGGRAPH course notes, 2, 1999.